There are a lot of myths surrounding home brewing and many reasons people choose not to take up this fantastic hobby. Let’s get started and dispel some of these myths.
1. Brewing your own beer is expensive:
Not at all, in fact it usually works out cheaper than buying beer from a supermarket or in a pub. There is no need to spend a fortune on expensive beer brewing equipment. You can get started with a home brewing kit that will contain all you need and won't break the bank.
2. Home brew beer doesn't taste nice:
Wrong again! If you don't clean your brewing equipment thoroughly it can taste funny but if you follow all the instructions your brew should be far superior to any shop bought beers. Home brewed beer is very natural and fresh and this is reflected in the taste.
3. Home Brewing is too difficult:
If you can follow a simple recipe then you can brew your own beer. You can create some complicated brews if you want but to begin with you can just purchase a simple kit and add boiling water. Just remember to sanitise all your equipment.
4. Home brewing is dangerous:
Brewing beer is not dangerous provided you follow the instructions carefully and don't start being silly. I suppose you could say it’s as dangerous as brewing a pot of tea! Also, the alcohol in beer is a natural preservative so you won't get food poisoning from your home brew.
Hopefully that has cleared some things up for all you potential home brewers. What are you waiting for? Get your first brew on!